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◎译  名 寻求富强:严复与西方
◎原  名 In Search of Wealth & Power: Yen Fu and the West
◎作  者 (美)本杰明·史华兹
◎译  者 叶凤美
◎出版时间 1996
◎国  家 中国
◎类  别 人文社科-历史
◎版  本 N/A
◎语  言 简体中文
◎文件格式 PDF
◎文件大小 5.6MB
◎页  码 248页




A notable contribution to our understanding of modern Chinese history. Professor Schwartz' study of Yen Fu and the West is much more than an intellectual biography of an important transitional figure...The book brings into focus the bafflingly complex problem of the channels through which one culture...may influence another.
--C. Martin Wilbur (Journal of Asian Studies )

To this period Professor Schwartz has applied the same brilliance and intellectual dexterity that he brought to the study of Mao Tse-tung's evolution. His book is an analytical biography of Yen Fu (1853-1921) the essayist and translator of Spencer, Huxley, Mill, Montesquieu and others...For an understanding of the unresolved conflict between Chinese civilization and the outside world this study is no less illuminating and important than his analysis of Mao. (Times Literary Supplement )

A study of modern Chinese intellectual history through the painstaking examination of one important thinker who devoted his life to introducing to China those dominant aspects of Western thought that he believed to be the key to Western wealth and power. The introduction by Professor Louis Hartz provides the stimulating insight for appreciating the significance of this work, which is in the best tradition of Sinology and historical scholarship. (Saturday Review )

Penetrating...With a command of both Eastern and Western sources rare among American scholars of his generation, Professor Schwartz presents a thoughtful and sophisticated attempt to reconstruct Yen Fu's image of the world.
--Li Yu-ning (Political Science Quarterly )

Probably the most important cross-cultural study of ideas published in the last twenty years. It is not surprising that a brilliant and subtle scholar like Professor Schwartz should choose Yen Fu.
--Martin Bernal (New York Review of Books )


本杰明·史华兹,生于 1916年12月12日,卒于1999年11月14日。1960年起任哈佛大学教授,并以其博雅和睿智,在核校东亚中被尊称为“学者的学者”。除了作为其扛鼎之作的本书,还写有《中国的共产主义和毛的兴起》、《共产主义和中国:变动中的思想意识》、《中国文化的价值》和《中国及其他》等。



第一章 背景
第二章 早年时代
第三章 原则宣言
一 思想领域
二 行动领域
第四章 西方智慧的源泉——《进化论与伦理学》
一 媒介
二 《天演论》
第五章 《原富》
第六章 《群己权界论》
第七章 《法意》
第八章 《社会通诠》
第九章 《穆勒名学》
第十章 对道家学说的沉思
第十一章 晚年时代
第十二章 结语

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