看过《真人秀:把妹达人》(The Pickup Artist) 第 一季和第二季的朋友一定不会对 “把妹” 的顶级大师 Mystery 感到陌生。这套视频是 Mystery 培训课程的视频资料。全套共 5 张 DVD. (注:[《把妹达人》培训教程].Mystery.Method.Volume.3 是压缩文件,其中有 20 段视频)

Volume 1 目录:
1. MM Approach 2:25
2. On Opening 2:26
3. The Tribal Leader 1:33
4. Approaching 1:12
5. Social Proof 8:16
6. Being the Tribal Leader 0:52
7. Appeal of the Leader 1:47
8. Breaking Rapport" 0:29
9. "Negs" Defined 1:32
10. Throw & Go 0:22
11. Disqualification Theory 2:33
12. Emotion 0:51
13. Confidence 1:05
14. Alignment 2:42
15. Body Language 4:14
16. Sex Drive Survival 2:20
17. Fear of the Approach 5:22
18. Smile 0:22
19. Delivery 0:36
20. Humor 5:17
21. 3-Second Rule 2:11
22. Calibrated Woman 2:42
23. Energy Level 0:48
24. Well-Groomed 1:31
25. Connection 2:45
26. The Game Metaphor 1:29
27. Conveying 1:42
28. Competence 1:40
29. Extra Effirt 1:02
30. Calibrating Gambits 0:40
31. Opening 10s 2:02
32. Voice 0:25
Volume 2 目录:
1. Intro to A3 4:15
2. Origins of A3 2:07
3. A3 "Qualification" 1:34
4. Cant Do Without A3 1:54
5. A3 Waypoint 1:53
6. More A3 2:16
7. Moving in A3 3:44
8. "Boyband Principle" 0:49
9. Social Proof 1:11
10. Exotic Dancer A3 1:00
11. About DHVs 2:27
12. Displaying Higher Value 1:07
13. Lovedrop on DLVs 1:01
14. DLVs 0:36
15. Attraction Locations 0:45
16. Example Story 5:24
17. Storytelling 4:39
18. How to be Interesting 2:33
19. Pivots & Merging 2:00
20. Frame Games 2:48
21. About Timebridging 1:24
22. TB to Your Place 4:26
23. Timebridge Example 1:29
24. Calibration 1:26
25. Attraction Circuitry 1:13
26. Hoop Theory 5:04
Volume 3 目录:
1. Youre Unique 1:38
2. Comfort Building Kino 1:55
3. Intro to Kino 2:19
4. Knee Compliance Test 0:35
5. Kino Step 11:01
6. Kino Testing 2:31
7. Hands Off 0:24
8. Arm & Arm 1:39
9. Being Attractive 1:38
10. Accomplishment Intro 6:20
11. Avatar 0:36
12. Specializing Avatar 0:31
13. "Chick Bait" 0:43
14. Conveying Identity 1:15
15. Flash Cards 0:35
16. Peacock Theory 1:50
17. Knowing Hes a PUA 1:18
18. Go with the Flow 7:14
19. "You Are a Song" 7:30
20. Make-out Intuition 5:25
《把妹达人》(The Game)[MP3+PDF]