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《概率和商务统计入门》加州伯克利大学(Statistics 21, 001 - Introductory Probability and Statistics for Business)


更新时间:2009-08-27 10:24:00

文件大小:4.4 GB




《概率和商务统计入门》加州伯克利大学(Statistics 21, 001 - Introductory Probability and Statistics for Business)

[b]MWF 1-2 | 2050 VALLEY_LSB
Instructor Fletcher H Ibser
Introductory Probability and Statistics for Business
加州伯克利大学的opencourse总共有45个课时 每次课45分钟左右 这个课程可以通过webcast在线看 但是估计教育网是不行了 所以放在这里 如果在学概率统计的话 可以附带看看 应该会有不少收获吧

21楼的网友已经提供了最后几课的链接 非常感谢

最新的课程我觉得挺好的就down下来了 放到这里共享一下



What is It?
What are UC Berkeley course/event webcasts?
Every semester, UC Berkeley webcasts select courses and events for on-demand viewing via the Internet. webcast.berkeley course lectures are provided as a study resource for students and are not sanctioned as a substitute for going to the course lectures.

Who is responsible for this service?
Educational Technology Services takes care of audio and video capture services. Information Systems and Technology manages the webcast database and hosting infrastructure. The webcast capture and archive technology is based on the Berkeley Internet Broadcasting System (BIBS), developed by Larry Rowe and the Berkeley Multimedia Research Center.

What happened to BIBS (Berkeley Internet Broadcasting System)?
The BIBS webcasting service originally developed by the Berkeley Multimedia Research Center (BMRC) is now webcast.berkeley, a production service run by ETS and IS&T. BMRC still runs BIBS, distinguished from the ETS/IS&T’s webcast.berkeley service, and focus their research on continued experimentation with internet broadcasting and distributed collaboration for select courses.

How are courses chosen to be video or audio podcast?
webcast.berkeley/courses is an “opt-in” program available to lecturers scheduled to teach in classrooms with installed video and/or podcast capture technology. 2 - 4 weeks prior to the start of each semester, lecturers who are scheduled to teach in a video podcast or audio podcast capture capable classrooms are invited to participate in webcast.berkeley for the coming semester by signing up to have their course video and/or audio podcast in bSpace.
《概率和商务统计入门》加州伯克利大学(Statistics 21, 001 - Introductory Probability and Statistics for Business)
《概率和商务统计入门》加州伯克利大学(Statistics 21, 001 - Introductory Probability and Statistics for Business)
大学视频教程 No Rights Reserved.