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Real English Conversations 4.0 Effortless English最新课程


更新时间:2009-04-12 12:43:00

文件大小:1.7 GB



Learn Real English Conversations

Effortless English最新课程--Real English Conversations
Real English中课文均为对话,和Effortless English一样的教学方法,轻松学习地道英语。


The Real English Conversation Pack builds on the Effortless English system.
In these lessons, you get the same great Effortless English system you love.
Each lesson set contains a real conversation between native speakers. No actors.
All lessons also include:
* Audio Recording of a Real English Conversation
* Audio Vocabulary Lessons
* Mini-Story Lessons

You learn
* The real, casual conversation that native English speakers use everyday with each other. This is not formal English. This is the real English that real people use.
* A huge number of common idioms - the slang you can’t find in a dictionary or textbook.
* Real conversations about real topics – the topics that real people talk about in their daily lives.
And that’s not all! You’ll ALSO discover:
* How to automatically speak like a native speaker.
* How to never be confused by native speakers again.
* How to learn grammar effortlessly, without studying grammar rules.
* How to learn vocabulary 3-4 times faster, without memorizing.
* How to improve your TOEFL speaking score.
* How native speakers really pronounce words and phrases- it’s not like textbooks and it’s not like CNN.

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