![《外星人入侵:UFO与人类进化》(Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection)[MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8110200/4144615.jpg)
Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection
by: Gary Bates - Unabridged (2005)
"One of the most haunting and persistent mysteries of our time."
作者从科幻作品中的外星人入侵地球场面开始,从天体物理学、生物学、遗传学等等各个学科的论证,否定了达尔文的进化论学说,引申出地球人是被创造出来了;作者然后又从另外一个事实——诸多地球人被外星人绑架的事例中,有许多情况下被绑架者寻求耶稣上帝的保护,从而被外星人释放,免于遭受进一步的伤害——推演出另一个大胆的假设:外星人是生活在与我们平行空间的“撒旦”,试图引诱我们走入歧途。该书后4章主要从宗教方面对这一问题展开论述。作者试图表达的最终内容,其实与十几年前国外出版的一个系列的图书Left Behind如出一辙。(参见此资源)
由于涉及学科比较广,同时有大量的宗教方面的内容,加之语速较快,而且没有找到相应的文本资料,需要听者有较大词汇量。如果看过前面提到过的Left Behind这一套图书的话,可能会容易得多。
* UFOs sighted in every country
* Suicides in the cults
* Alien abductions?
* Crop circles
* Government cover-ups?
* Ancient astronauts?
UFO sightings have been reported throughout the centuries by trustworthy citizens. But in our enlightened technological age, are we any closer to solving the mystery?
This book revisits the most famous events that have defined UFO culture, such as Roswell and alien autopsies; astronaut Gordon Cooper's sightings; Major Donald Keyhoe's allegations of official silence; and the claims of famous contactees Billy Meier and George Adamski.
Also discover evidence about alien abductions and other UFO phenomena that are widely ignored by the UFO community. This book will surprise you and challenge your thinking--not just about UFOs, but about the nature of life itself.
This volume brings together the most important evidences, and comes to conclusions far more sinister--yet profound--than readers could have imagined.
Product Description
When actor Richard Dreyfus gazed up into the heavens during the hit film, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," audiences looked with him, in rapt attention. "Alien" encounters cropped up like, well, crop circles. More films were released. Books detailed alleged "abductions." NASA funded SETI, an effort to make contact with civilizations from other worlds.
But is all this valid? Are there really alien civilizations in our vast universe? In Alien Intrusion, Gary Bates gives a thorough treatment of this fascinating subject. What is behind the numerous sightings from around the world? Does the U.S. Government have evidence of alien craft? Can we hope to mkae contact in our lifetime?
The author comes from an unapologetic Christian perspective, but lets the facts speak for themselves. His expertise on the subject and ability to 'cover the bases' has earned widespread respect - even from many in the 'UFOlogy community' who may be uncomfortable with the startling conclusions to which he inevitable leads the reader. This was especially evident during an amazing three-hour interview with George Noory on Coast to Coast.
This invaluable book will help Christians understand the issues, and be able to intelligently answer questions and engage in dialogue with a culture sure were are being watched from space.
Heavily illustrated with photographs and drawings - an amazingly comprehensive 'cutting-edge' look at the UFO abduction phenomena.
About the Author
As a lifelong fan of sci-fi, Gary Bates' extensive background in marketing and communication have positioned him well to present in a fast-paved, gripping read the findings of his specialist research into UFO phenomenon and associated extra-terrestrial beliefs.
Unlike many UFO researchers, he avoids the 'one-size-fits-all' explanation. But in his research, along with uncovering many bizarre claims (and debunking some), leads the reader on a fascinating exploration of myth, mystery, and questions of who we are, how we came to be - and are we alone in this great big universe.
A convert to Christianity, Gary recognizes the way in which UFO beliefs are rapidly escalating in society and the church,challenging the foundations of many faiths. For many years, Gary has been speaking to church audiences on science topics, including creation/evolution. He is currently the head of the ministry development department of what is possibly Australia's largest parachurch organization, one that has spawned sister offices in five other countries.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 - The Invasion Gets Underway
Chapter 2 - The Science of Fiction
Chapter 3 - Is There Life on Other Planets?
Chapter 4 - Did Aliens Create Life on Earth?
Chapter 5 - Lights in the Sky--Where Are They Coming From?
Chapter 6 - Mysteries, Myths, Mayhem, and Money
Chapter 7 - Abducted--Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind
Chapter 8 - The Gospel According to ET
Chapter 9 - Look to the Sky--Change Is Coming
Chapter 10 - The Gospel According to the Creator
Appendix - UFOs in the Bible and Other Questions