WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry
![《WPA丛书:精神病学的实例与实践》(WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry)[PDF]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0206315.jpg)
John Wiley & Sons出版的《WPA丛书:精神病学的实例与实践》(WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry )已有9卷,本压缩文件包括前面的8卷及世界精神病协会(World Psychiatric Association,WPA)的第11及12次国际大会的5本书,书籍具体信息及目录如下:
WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry
Volume 1:Depressive Disorders 《抑郁障碍》
·作者:Mario Maj (Editor), Norman Sartorius (Editor)
·出版社:John Wiley & Sons
·ISBN: 978-0-470-84965-1
·版次:2nd Edition
·出版日期:February 2003
List of Review Contributors
Diagnosis of Depressive Disorders: A Review (C.N. Stefanis and N.C. Stefanis)
Pharmacological Treatment of Depressive Disorders: A Review: (P. Bech)
Psychotherapies for Depressive Disorders: A Review: (A.J. Rush and M.E. Thase)
Depressive Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Review: (R. Harrington)
Depressive Disorders in the Elderly: A Review: (E. Chiu, et al.)
Costs of Depressive Disorders: A Review: (J.F. Rosenbaum and T.R. Hylan)
Acknowledgements for the First Edition
Volume 2:Schizophrenia 《精神分裂症》
![《WPA丛书:精神病学的实例与实践》(WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry)[PDF]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0206751.jpg)
·作者:Mario Maj (Editor), Norman Sartorius (Editor)
·出版社:John Wiley & Sons
·ISBN: 978-0-470-84964-4
·版次:2nd Edition
·出版日期:February 2003
List of Review Contributors
Diagnosis of Schizophrenia: A Review (C. Pull)
Pharmacological Treatment of Schizophrenia: A Review (W. Fleischhacker)
Psychotherapies for Schizophrenia: A Review (M. Birchwood & E. Spencer)
Prevention of Disability and Stigma Related to Schizophrenia: A Review (R. Cancro & A. Meyerson)
Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: A Review (W. Maier, et al.)
Economics of Schizophrenia: A Review (M. Knapp, et al.)
Acknowledgements for the First Edition
Volume 3:Dementia 《痴呆》
![《WPA丛书:精神病学的实例与实践》(WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry)[PDF]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0206476.jpg)
·作者:Mario Maj (Editor), Norman Sartorius (Editor)
·出版社:John Wiley & Sons
·ISBN: 978-0-470-84963-7
·版次:2nd Edition
·出版日期:February 2003
List of Review Contributors
Definition and Epidemiology of Dementia: A Review (A. Henderson & A. Jorm)
Clinical Diagnosis of Dementia: A Review (B. Reisberg, et al.)
Neuropsychological and Instrumental Diagnosis of Dementia: A Review (O. Almkvist)
Pharmacological Treatment of Dementia: A Review (S. Samuels & K. Davis)
Psychosocial Interventions for Dementia: A Review (F. Baro)
Costs of Dementia: A Review (B. Jönsson, et al.)
Acknowledgements for the First Edition
Volume 4:Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 《强迫症》
![《WPA丛书:精神病学的实例与实践》(WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry)[PDF]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0206625.jpg)
·作者:Mario Maj (Editor), Norman Sartorius (Editor), Ahmed Okasha (Editor), Joseph Zohar (Editor)
·出版社:John Wiley & Sons
·ISBN: 978-0-470-84966-8
·版次:2nd Edition
·出版日期:February 2003
List of Review Contributors
Diagnosis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Review (A. Okasha)
Pharmacological Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Review (J. Zohar, et al.)
Psychotherapies for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Review (E. Foa & M. Franklin)
Child and Adolescent Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Review (M. Flament & D. Cohen)
Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders: A Review (E. Hollander & J. Rosen)
Costs of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Review (M. Knapp, , et al.)
Acknowledgements for the First Edition
Volume 5:Bipolar Disorder 《双相障碍》
![《WPA丛书:精神病学的实例与实践》(WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry)[PDF]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0206231.jpg)
·作者:Mario Maj (Editor), Hagop S. Akiskal (Editor), Juan José López-Ibor (Editor), Norman Sartorius (Editor)
·出版社:John Wiley & Sons
·ISBN: 978-0-471-56037-1
·版次:1st Edition
·出版日期:June 2002
List of Review Contributors
Classification, Diagnosis and Boundaries of Bipolar Disorders (Hagop S. Akiskal)
Prognosis of Bipolar Disorder (Andeas Marneros and Peter Brieger)
Pharmacological Treatment of Bipolar Disorder (Charles L. Bowden)
Psychosocial Intervention for Bipolar Disorder (Mark S. Bauer)
Effects of Gender and Age on Phenomenology and Management of Bipolar Disorder (Kenneth L. Shulman, Ayal Schaffer, Anthony Levitt and Nathan Harramann)
The Economic and Social Burden of Bipolar Disorder (Joseph F. Goldberg and Carrie L. Ernst)
Volume 6:Eating Disorders 《进食障碍》
![《WPA丛书:精神病学的实例与实践》(WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry)[PDF]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0206907.jpg)
·作者:Mario Maj (Editor), Katharine Halmi (Editor), Juan José López-Ibor (Editor), Norman Sartorius (Editor)
·出版社:John Wiley & Sons
·ISBN: 978-0-470-84865-4
·版次:1st Edition
·出版日期:May 2003
List of Review Contributors
Classification, Diagnosis and Comorbidities of Eating Disorders: A Review (K. Halmi)
Epidemiology and Cultural Aspects of Eating Disorders: A Review (H. Hoek, et al.)
Physical Complications and Physiological Aberrations in Eating Disorders: A Review (F. Brambilla & P. Monteleone)
Pharmacological Treatment of Eating Disorders: A Review (M. de Zwaan & J. Roerig)
Psychological Interventions for Eating Disorders: A Review (G. Wilson)
The Economic and Social Burden of Eating Disorders: A Review (S. Crow & C. Peterson)
Volume 7:Phobias 《恐惧症》
![《WPA丛书:精神病学的实例与实践》(WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry)[PDF]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0206918.jpg)
·作者:Mario Maj (Editor), Hagop S. Akiskal (Editor), Juan José López-Ibor (Editor), Ahmed Okasha (Editor)
·出版社:John Wiley & Sons
·ISBN: 978-0-470-85833-2
·版次:2nd Edition
·出版日期:May 2004
List of Review Contributors
Diagnosis and Classification of Phobias: A Review (Isaac Marks and David Mataix-Cols)
Epidemiology of Phobias: A Review (Gavin Andrews)
Pharmacotherapy of Phobias: A Review (Dan J. Stein, Bavanisha Vythilingum and Soraya Seedat)
Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Phobias: A Review (David H. Barlow, David A. Moscovitch and Jamie A. Micco)
Phobias in Children and Adolescents: A Review (Thomas H. Ollendick, Neville J. King and Peter Muris)
Social and Economic Burden of Phobias (Koen Demyttenaere, Ronny Bruffaerts and Andy De Witte)
Volume 8:Personality Disorders 《人格障碍》
![《WPA丛书:精神病学的实例与实践》(WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry)[PDF]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0206305.jpg)
·作者:Mario Maj (Editor)
·出版社:John Wiley & Sons
·ISBN: 978-0-470-09036-7
·版次:1st Edition
·出版日期:April 2005
List of Review Contributors
Cluster A Personality Disorders: A Review (Josef Parnas, Deborah Licht and Pierre Bovet)
Antisocial Personality Disorder: A Review (C. Robert Cloninger)
Borderline and Histrionic Personality Disorders: A Review (Michael H. Stone)
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A Review (Elsa Ronningstam)
The Anxious Cluster of Personality Disorders: A Review (Peter Tyrer)
The Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD): A Review (Paul T. Costa, Jack Samuels, Michael Bagby, Lee Daffin and Hillary Norton)
Epilogue: The Renaissance of the Ancient Concept of Temperament (with a Focus on Affective Temperaments) (Hagop S. Akiskal and Kareen Akiskal)
WPA Series: the 11th WPA World Congress's Thematic Volumes
Psychiatric Diagnosis and Classification《精神病的诊断与分类》
![《WPA丛书:精神病学的实例与实践》(WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry)[PDF]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0206341.jpg)
·作者:Mario Maj (Editor), Wolfgang Gaebel (Editor), Juan José López-Ibor (Editor), Norman Sartorius (Editor)
·出版社:John Wiley & Sons
·ISBN: 978-0-471-49681-6
·版次:1st Edition
·出版日期:May 2002
List of Contributors
Criteria for Assessing a Classification in Psychiatry (Assen Jablensky and Robert E. Kendall)
International Classifications and the Diagnosis of Mental Disorders: Strengths, Limitations and Future Perspectives (T Bedirhan Üstün, Somnath Chatterji and Gavin Andrews)
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) Classification of Mental Disorders: Strengths, Limitations and Future Perspectives (Darrel A. Regier, Michael First, Tina Marshall and William E. Narrow)
Implications of Comorbidity for the Classification of Mental Disorders: The Need for a Psychobiology of Coherence (C. Robert Cloninger)
Evolutionary Theory, Culture and Psychiatric Diagnosis (Horacia Fabrega Jr)
The Role of Phenomenology in Psychiatric Diagnosis and Classification (Josef Parnas and Dan Zahavi)
Multiaxial Diagnosis in Psychiatry (Juan E. Mezzich, Aleksandar Janca and Marianne C. Kastrup)
Clinical Assessment Instruments in Psychiatry (Charles B. Pull, Jean-Marc Cloos and Marie-Claire Pull-Erpelding)
Psychiatric Diagnosis and Classification in Primary Care (David Goldberg, Greg Simon and Gavin Andrews)
Psychiatric Diagnosis and Classification in Developing Countries (R. Srinivasa Murthy and Narendra N. Wig)
Psychiatry in Society 《社会中的精神病学》
![《WPA丛书:精神病学的实例与实践》(WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry)[PDF]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0206526.jpg)
·作者:Norman Sartorius (Editor), Wolfgang Gaebel (Editor), Juan José López-Ibor (Editor), Mario Maj (Editor)
·出版社:John Wiley & Sons
·ISBN: 978-0-471-49682-3
·版次:1st Edition
·出版日期:May 2002
List of Contributors
The Impact of Sociocultural and Economic Changes on Psychiatry (Leon Eisenberg )
Changes in Health Care Systems and Their Impact on Mental Health Care (Heinz Häfner)
Globalization and Mental Health (Glyn Lewis and Ricardo Araya)
The Impact of Legislation on Mental Health Policy (José M. Bertolote, José G. Taborda, Julio Arboleda-Flórez and Francisco Torres)
The New Ethical Context of Psychiatry (Ahmed Okasha)
Community Mental Health Care: Promises and Pitfalls (Paul Bebbington, Sonia Johnson and Graham Thornicroft)
Quality of Life: A New Dimension in Mental Heath Care (Heinz Katsching and Monika Krautgartner)
Mental Health Problems in Refugees (Benedetto Saraceno, Shekhar Saxena and Pallab K. Maulik)
The Homeless Mentally Ill (Viviane Kovess)
Mental Health Consequences of Disasters (Evelyn J. Bromet and Johan M. Havenaar)
Mass Media and Psychiatry (Olga Cuenca)
Psychiatry as a Neuroscience 《作为神经科学的精神病学》
![《WPA丛书:精神病学的实例与实践》(WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry)[PDF]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0206641.jpg)
·作者:Juan José López-Ibor (Editor), Wolfgang Gaebel (Editor), Mario Maj (Editor), Norman Sartorius (Editor)
·出版社:John Wiley & Sons
·ISBN: 978-0-471-49656-4
·版次:1st Edition
·出版日期:June 2002
List of Contributors
Genetic Research in Psychiatry (P. McGuffin)
Molecular and Cellular Biology Research in Psychiatry (S. Stahl, et al.)
Brain Imaging Research in Psychiatry (G. Sedvall and S. Pauli)
Neuroendocrinological Research in Psychiatry (C. Nemeroff and D. Gutman)
Neuropsychological Research in Psychiatry (K. Ritchie and M. Richards)
Neurobiology of Schizophrenia (F. Benes and C. Tamminga)
Biological Research in Anxiety Disorders (T. Uhde and R. Singareddy)
Biological Research on Dementias (S. Lovestone)
WPA Series: the 12th WPA World Congress's Thematic Volumes
Early Detection and Management of Mental Disorders 《精神障碍的早期检测与处理》
![《WPA丛书:精神病学的实例与实践》(WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry)[PDF]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0206315.jpg)
·作者:Mario Maj (Editor), Juan José López-Ibor (Editor), Norman Sartorius (Editor), Mitsumoto Sato (Editor), Ahmed Okasha (Editor)
·出版社:John Wiley & Sons
·ISBN: 978-0-470-01083-9
·版次:1st Edition
·出版日期:January 2005
List of contributors
Prodromal Symptoms and Early Detection of Schizophrenia (Hafner and Maurer)
The Management of Early Psychosis (McGorry et al)
Children of Persons with Schizophrenia: An Overview of Empirical Research (Mirsky and Elliott)
Detection and Management of Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents (Weller et al)
Detecting the Risk for Affective Spectrum Disorders in the Children of Bipolar Parents (Masi et al)
The "Difficult" Child: Main Underlying Syndromes and Differential Diagnosis (Tyano and Manor)
Precursors, Prodromes and Early Detection of Eating Disorders (Casper)
Precursors, Early Detection and Prevention of Anxiety Disorders (Stein et al)
Early Recognition and Management of Depression in Primary Care (Tylee and Walters)
The Prodromes and Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease (Zaudig)
Disaster and Mental Health 《灾难与心理健康》
![《WPA丛书:精神病学的实例与实践》(WPA Series: Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry)[PDF]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8040123/0206613.jpg)
·作者:Juan José López-Ibor (Editor), George Christodoulou (Editor), Mario Maj (Editor), Norman Sartorius (Editor), Ahmed Okasha (Editor)
·出版社:John Wiley & Sons
·ISBN: 978-0-470-02123-1
·版次:1st Edition
·出版日期:November 2004
List of contributors
Preface (Lopez-Ibor et al)
What is a Disaster? (Lopez-Ibor)
Psychological and Psychopathological Consequences of Disasters (Fullerton and Ursano)
Psychiatric Morbidity following Disasters: Epidemiology, Risk and Protective Factors (McFarlane)
Reevaluating the Link between Disasters and Psychopathology (Yehuda and Bierer)
Psychological Interventions for People Exposed to Disasters (Benyakar and Collazo)
Organization of Mental Health Services for Disaster Victims (Crocq et al)
Mental Health Consequences of Disasters: Experiences in Various Regions of the World
The Experience of the Kobe Earthquake (Shinfuku)
The Experience of the Marmara Earthquake (Gokalp)
The Experience of the Athens Earthquake (Christodoulou et al)
The Experience of the Nairobi US Embassy Bombing (Njeng and Nyamai)
The Experience of the New York September 11 Terroristic Attack (DeLisi et al)
The Experience of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster (Havenaar and Bromet)
The Experience of the Bhopal Disaster (Murthy)
The Latin American and Caribbean Experience (Caldas de Ameida and Rodriguez)
The Israeli Experience (Shalev)
The Palestinian Experience (El Sarraj and Qouta)
The Experience of Bosnia-Herzegovina: Psychosocial Consequences of War Atrocities on Children (Husain)
The Serbian Experience (Lecic-Tosevski and Draganic-Gajic)
The Croatian Experience (Folnegovic Smalc)
Appendix - Statement by the World Psychiatric Association on Mental Health Implications of Disasters