(Rich.Dad's)Retire Rich Retire Young
![《富爸爸系列之年轻退休》((Rich.Dads)Retire Rich Retire Young)[192k][MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8012300/5656166.jpg)
QUOTERich Dad's Retire Young, Retire Rich
![《富爸爸系列之年轻退休》((Rich.Dads)Retire Rich Retire Young)[192k][MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8012300/5656166.jpg)
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Business Plus; 1st edition (January 15, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0446678430
ISBN-13: 978-0446678438
Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 1 inches
Book Description
A financial expert shares practical insights and guidelines for designing a lifetime financial plan that will ensure prosperity and security and will allow readers to choose their own retirement age.
From Library Journal
In this fifth addition to his highly successful "Rich Dad" series, Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad) now focuses on the power of debt leveraging in order to work less and earn more. Beginning with the principle of changing attitudes about financial freedom, he explains the difference between earned income and passive or investment income, managing good debt that makes money for you, such as in real estate, the fundamental concern about 401(k) retirement plans that are too focused on stock market performance, and the need to create a long-term financial freedom plan and the emotional discipline to stick to it. Listeners will likely be captivated as they learn how to replicate his success, and the crisp narration by Jim Ward definitely makes this fact-filled collection of sound financial advice another hit for Kiyosaki. The solid, practical insight into how to put together a plan to financial freedom will require a commitment to changing lifestyles and personal attitudes about work and, of course, enough time left in life to allow the investments to succeed. Highly recommended for all public libraries, especially those that have not yet begun to add Kiyosaki's other super titles to their business and investment collections.
Dale Farris, Groves, TX
QUOTERich Dad's Success Stories: Real Life Success Stories from Real Life People Who Followed the Rich Dad Lessons
by Robert T. Kiyosaki
![《富爸爸系列之年轻退休》((Rich.Dads)Retire Rich Retire Young)[192k][MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8012300/5656413.jpg)
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Business Plus (October 1, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0446691801
ISBN-13: 978-0446691802
Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 6.2 x 0.8 inches
《富爸爸 成功的故事》“富爸爸”系列丛书之八。你从中将学到,实现财务自由永远不会为时过早;你将读到各个年龄阶段的人将书的形形色色的理财故事。每一个故事都富有启发意义,因为故事的主角现在不是坐等别人给他们发薪水,而是自己树立目标、努力实现自己的目标,交为自己创造财务——他们在学习如何把生活掌握在自己手里。这本书讲述的是真人真事,是现实生活中人们运用“富爸爸”的经验,获得成功的故事。
QUOTEYou Can Choose to Be Rich: Rich Dad's 3-step Guide to Wealth (Rich Dad Book Series) [AUDIOBOOK] (Audio CD)
![《富爸爸系列之年轻退休》((Rich.Dads)Retire Rich Retire Young)[192k][MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8012300/5656139.jpg)
by Robert Kiyosaki (Author), Rich Dad Poor Dad Series (Author)
Product Details
Audio CD
Publisher: Rich Dad (2003)
Language: English
"If you are a financial tard like I was, you should invest in the program-I did, and am glad I did! It covers the beginning basics of financial awareness, with exercises, examples and tons of info that will kick you in the seat and motivate you to get going!" - JR, Rich Dad community member
This program will teach you the 3 step plan to wealth that Robert's Rich Dad taught him. The program contains a Home Study Course Binder, 12 CDs with specialized lessons from Robert's personal team of experts, 1 video that will show you how to stop living from paycheck to paycheck and enjoy the power of having money work for you, 1 bonus audio tape that reveals the six simple obstacles people face on their path to wealth; and a debt eliminator - a practical tool to help you eliminate bad debt and build a strong foundation.
The Choose to Be Rich audio program is by far the best in the Rich Dad / Poor Dad series - because it's the cumulation of most of the "Rich Dad" books and advisors on ONE audio program. 12 CD's packed FULL of information and education on changing your mindset (Think It), educating yourself about the habits & investments of the rich and why they choose them (Learn It), and then applying what you've learned to your own life and finances so you too can become rich (Do It).
I have learned more from this 12 CD program than any other single program I've listened to. I have DEMANDED that my friends listen to it (because I want them to get rich WITH me) and if you're committed to becoming rich - I would encourage you to listen to it as well.
QUOTE(Rich Dad's Advisors)Own Your Own Corporation: Why the Rich Own Their Own Companies and Everyone Else Works for Them
![《富爸爸系列之年轻退休》((Rich.Dads)Retire Rich Retire Young)[192k][MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8012300/5656822.jpg)
Product Details
Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Business Plus (October 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0446678619
ISBN-13: 978-0446678612
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 5.8 x 1 inches
Editorial Reviews
From AudioFile
Creating the right type of corporate entity for a business can create enormous advantages for the savvy business-person. In this comprehensive guide, a corporate attorney explains the history and rationale of corporations and all the considerations and decisions that go into starting one. Forming a corporation, selecting board members, administering it within the law, creating tax advantages, hiring, protecting ownership of names and corporate assets, insurance, record-keeping--every part of the process is covered. The program is a listening pleasure in spite of all the technical material and, except for not having a written guide on the package, is a perfect reference audio for the kind of audience targeted by the Rich Dad's Advisors series. T.W. ? AudioFile 2003, Portland, Maine-- Copyright ? AudioFile, Portland, Maine --This text refers to the Audio CD edition.
Book Description
Own Your Own Corporation reveals how private citizens can take advantage of incorporating themselves and their business to save thousands of dollars in taxes and protect themselves against financial disaster.
QUOTERich Dad's Guide to Becoming Rich...: Without Cutting Up Your Credit Cards
![《富爸爸系列之年轻退休》((Rich.Dads)Retire Rich Retire Young)[192k][MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8012300/5656291.jpg)
Paperback: 88 pages
Publisher: Little, Brown & Company (15 Jan 2004)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0446697524 | mp3 | 64kb | 2CD Set
ISBN-13: 978-0446697521
Product Dimensions: 22.4 x 15 x 1 cm
About the book
Tune into any personal finance programme these days and the vast majority of today's money experts will tell you that, in order to become wealthy, you have to cut your credit cards up immediately and save, save and save by putting the maximum amount of your salary into your retirement plan. While these plans might work for some people, Robert Kiyosaki urges readers to take a different approach to financial freedom. That starts by learning how to get rid of our what he calls 'bad debt' (such as credit card bills, health bills and other unsecured debt) and learning how to maximise 'good debt' such as a home mortgage or other investments. Kiyosaki outlines how you can accomplish this without having to resort to cutting up your credit cards.
More info
The real trick to building personal wealth is learning how to transform 'bad debt' into 'good debt'. This book explains how - without having to cut up credit cards.
QUOTERich Dad's Advisors?: The ABC's of Real Estate Investing: The Secrets of Finding Hidden Profits Most Investors Miss (Rich Dad's Advisors)
![《富爸爸系列之年轻退休》((Rich.Dads)Retire Rich Retire Young)[192k][MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8012300/5656280.jpg)
Publisher: Business Plus; 1st Warner Books
Release Date:September 14, 2004
Language: English
ISBN: 0446699039 | mp3 | 128kb | 3CD Set
Author: Ken McElroy
朗读作:Ken McElroy
With the ABC's of Real Estate Investing, you can:
Achieve wealth and cash flow through real estate
Overcome the myths that are holding you back
Find property with real profit potential
Evaluate a property and set your own purchase price
QUOTE英文名:Why We Want You to be Rich Two Men One Message中文名:我们为甚么想让您致富:两位大亨——一个声音[/SIZE]
作者:Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki
出版社:Simon & Schuster
![《富爸爸系列之年轻退休》((Rich.Dads)Retire Rich Retire Young)[192k][MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8012300/5656374.jpg)
唐纳.川普(Donald J. Trump)
为美国梦做了最佳詮释。从宾州大学华顿商学院毕业的川普,在房地产开发方面的成就,闻名全美与全球。其中让世人津津乐道的作品包括:纽约第五大道摩天大楼「川普大楼」(Trump Tower)、川普公园大道(Trump Park Avenue)、棕櫚滩古蹟马阿拉歌俱乐部(Mar-a-Lago Club)、以及在杜拜打造的棕櫚川普国际饭店大楼(Palm Trump International Hotel & Tower)。川普拥有四座获奖的高尔夫球场,还将在苏格兰打造另一座高尔夫球场,在在透露出他对高尔夫球的热爱。荣获艾美奖提名,又是真人实境电视秀《谁是接班人》(The Apprentice)共同製作人,还写了七本畅销书,川普确实是不折不扣的媒体巨擘。
罗伯特.清崎(Robert Kiyosaki)
全球畅销书《富爸爸、穷爸爸》(Rich Dad Poor Dad)作者。清崎是一位投资者、也是专精於矿业和房地产的企业家,同时还是一名教育家。他对金钱与投资的观点读到,大胆驳斥传统价值观。於一九九七年出版的《富爸爸、穷爸爸》,连续六年蝉联《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜之首,打破历来纪录,还被译成四十六种语言的版本,销售到九十七个国家。富爸爸系列丛书已经在全球卖出超过二千六百万册,攻占亚洲、澳洲、南美洲、墨西哥、南非和欧洲等地的畅销书排行榜。事实上,清崎已经独力改变了全球几千万人的理财观念。
Book Description
The world is facing many challenges and one of them is financial. The entitlement mentality is epidemic, creating people who expect their countries, employers, or families to take care of them. Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki, both successful businessmen, are natural teachers and have joined forces to address these challenges. They believe you cannot solve money problems with money. You can only solve money problems with financial education. Trump and Kiyosaki want to teach you to be rich.
"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."
They each could have written a book on the subject, but they chose instead to write a book together because of their shared passion for education and their desire to bring emphasis to the importance of financial education. In addition they have designated a portion of the profits from each book to be donated to charitable and educational organizations that also support financial education.
Why We Want YOU To Be Rich, Two Men — One Message was written for you.
From Publishers Weekly
The wildly financially successful authors of this book state, early on, that a reader will not find in its pages specific advice on how to make or invest money. It's more a book of philosophy (note the "why" in the title), and if it's not exactly Kierkegaardian in scope or language, this collaboration of real estate magnate and rags-to-riches financial guru manages to entertain and to inform. Written in bite-size chunks and adorned with quotes (some from the authors' previous works or speeches) and graphs, it explains why some people get rich and others... well, don't. Some tales are shopworn: the many references to Warren Buffett are tales well told, for example, but what works best are the aphorisms and the personality type descriptions within the "CASHFLOW Quadrant"—no matter what you do for a living, in your heart are you an E, an S, a B or an I? (Key: E=employee; B=big business owner; S=self-employed, specialist or small business owner; I=investor.) But Trump and Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) together are a strangely winning combination (they've published this book jointly and privately—and a portion of its profits will be donated to charity). Bottom line: these Messrs. Money-bags know their business. We're talking billionaires here, and really, how can you argue with success? (Oct.)