![《牛津新航线英语教程》(New Headway English Course)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7050717/1937875.jpg)
不论是传统的还是新的英语教学思想,都把语言知识,如语音、语法、词汇及听、说、读、写四会技巧的培养作为学习目标.牛津大学出版社出版的New Headway English Course系列教材对语言的展现,语言知识的学习,四会技巧的培养,课堂活动的组织都有精妙之处,不仅克服了传统教材之不足,而且仍然充分体现着传统的和互动式教学法互补的教材编写思想,其深刻的教学法思想可归纳为以下几点:1、语法学习走出枯燥,成为归纳与演绎并举的发现过程.学生受到激发后,自己归纳出语言规则,而且能在有趣的语言上下文中能充分理解语言规则.2、在爽心悦目的课堂活动中,轻松的语言输入过程在不知不觉中带来了学习者的语言输出.在学生各自英语知识的范围内,技能得到了充分训练.3、语言学习活动多样化,各项技能训练既相互独立,又互相配合,习得过程与学习收获相辅相成.4、教材内容更新快.5、新的学习项目系统化的循环往复保证了学习的有效性.这套教材的编写者已然看到了课堂教学活动中会发生什么,看到学生所需要的是什么,并在每项活动中扮演什么角色,着眼于如何使学习环节自然,流畅,互为依托,以及教师该如何引导学生有效地学习.这套教材对国内教材编写很有启发.如能借鉴这套教材编写新的学习材料,将更大的促进国内的英语教学.
The development in ELT methodology calls for a thorough reform of traditional textbooks. Fortunately,coursebook designers abroad have already published a series of English Coursebooks in 1998 under the same pedagogical guidance of blending the best of traditional method and the communicative approach and should provide their Chinese counterpart with illuminating insights. This article attempts to shed some lights in this aspect through an analysis of New Headway English Course.This coursebook provides a well-controlled presentation of the English language. The writers have in mind the needs of the students, the role of a teacher and the students, and how they can help learners to learn the language most effectively and quickly. Like other integrated English coursebooks, New Headway English Course also covers the knowledge base of English Language system (grammar, lexis, and pronunciation) and basic skills of English using (listening, speaking, writing and reading) as its aims of teaching. But the two bases are treated much differently in traditional textbooks. This article noted several striking features about the design of this English coursebook that merits our attention: (1) Grammar learning process is no longer done dryly in the traditional way. It becomes a discovery process by students based on either deduction or induction. Students are motivated to work out the rules by themselves and learn them in relation to interesting language context. (2) The comprehensible input is accompanied by learners' output through desirable class activities. Skills are expected to develop every bit as much as their knowledge of the system of English. Learning and acquisition each has its place. (3) Learning activities are varied and skills are learned both separately and in an integrated way. (4) Learning materials are frequently updated. (5). The systematic recycling of new items (learning points) ensures an effective learning.For instance, new grammatical items will be under the focus of study in the part of reading, listening, speaking and writing.
![《牛津新航线英语教程》(New Headway English Course)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7050717/1937235.jpg)
![《牛津新航线英语教程》(New Headway English Course)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7050717/1937961.jpg)
![《牛津新航线英语教程》(New Headway English Course)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7050717/1937730.jpg)