![《财务自由》苏茜·欧曼(Financial Freedom by Suze Orman)[MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7050717/1529333.jpg)
第一步 弄清过去如何控制未来的财务钥匙
第二步 正视你的恐惧并建立新的理念
第三步 对你自己诚实
第四步 为你所爱的人负责
第六步 相信自己胜于相信他人
第七步 敞开接受你应该拥有的一切
第八步 理解金钱循环里的潮起潮落
第九步 认识真正的财富
![《财务自由》苏茜·欧曼(Financial Freedom by Suze Orman)[MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7050717/1529813.jpg)
01 Remove Your Barriers by Suze Orman
"Financial Freedom is not about how much money your have. It's about having control over your thoughts and your fears about money."——Suze Orman
·Take charge of your financial destiny by creating new goals
·Understand the hidden power of money in your life
·Identify how money memories from your past have impacted your ability to create wealth today
·Overcome the barriers that keep you from taking control of your financial affairs
·Realize that financial prosperity starts in your mind
02 Claim Your Power
"You will never be powerful in your life until you are powerful over your money."——Suze Orman
·Identify the fears that are holding you back from financial freedom
·Understand how your fear has wreaked havoc on your financial life
·Empower yourself to substitute fear with confidence so you can take action
·Break through the chains of your past to create a great future
·Stop being afraid
03 Get What You Really Want
"You are more powerful than your fears, than your credit card debe, than your bank statements, or your self-limiting thoughts."——Suze Orman
·Counter your negative thoughts with positive ones
·Retrain your mind to move you toward your financial goals
·Put an end to your self-limiting beliefs
·Replace poverty consciousness with prosperity consciousness
·Get energized about making your financial dreams come true
04 Secure Your Family's Future
"True financial freedom is not only having money, but having power over that money as well."——Suze Orman
·Take an honest inventory of your financial situation
·Free your heart and mind from worry about the what-ifs of life
·Understand the difference between a will and a trust and why you must have both
·Discover the most important insurance you can buy
·Know all the actions you must take to protect your loved ones
05 Become A Money Magnet
"Respect and power attract money, disrespect and powerlessness repel it."——Suze Orman
·Discover how you repel money
·Eradicate credit card debt
·Learn about the three most important elements to successful investing
·Create the most effective savings plan for your child's education
·Learn the ins and outs of the new IRAs, 401(k)s and other retirement plans
06 Trust Yourself More than You Trust Others
"You and you alone have the best judgment when it comes to money."——Suze Orman
·Tap into the wisdom of your own inner voice
·Avoid financial advisors who have their best interests at heart
·Protect yourself against buying the wrong type of mutual funds
·Become your own financial advisor
·Purchase the best mutual funds for you
07 Receive All You Were Meant To Have
"We experience prosperity, true financial freedom, when our actions with respect to money are actions of generosity."——Suze Orman
·Understand how thoughts of poverty are bonds of poverty
·Recognize that worring about money will repel it
·Invite all the money you deserve to have into your life
·Learn how the key true wealth is your own generosity
·Experience the serenity that money handled responsibly and generously can bring
08 Embrace Your Destiny
"If you can have faith that everything happens for the best and hold firm to this belief, especially during troubled times, then you are giving yourself a gift that all the money in the world can't buy."——Suze Orman
·Learn how financial crises can be your greatest teacher
·Understand and accept the ups and downs of the money cycle
·Cultivate the belief tant everything happens for the best
·Appreciate how your beliefs and attitudes will make you feel rich, or poor
·Believe you have the power to create ture wealth
09 Live A life Of True Wealth
"True wealth is that which can never diminish."——Suze Orman
·Recognize how your self-worth is not based on your net worth
·Understand that you are more than your money
·Identify what you cherish most in life
·Apply your new tools and skills to build true wealth
·Celebrate the financial freedom you've created
![《财务自由》苏茜·欧曼(Financial Freedom by Suze Orman)[MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7050717/1529654.jpg)
名金融公司的职业经纪人,再成为畅销书作者,既而转变为电视及广播节目中的名人。在1987到1997年间曾领导苏茜·欧曼金融集团,在1983到1987年之间,她是培基证券PRUDENTIAL BACHE SECURITIES公司的高级投资副总裁,而从1980到1983年间,她则是美林证券公司的业务经理。
作为一位广受欢迎的演说家和理财专家,苏茜·欧曼周游美国各地并在南非很多地方发表演说,帮助人们改变他们对于金钱的看法。许多主要的报章杂志,例如《新闻周刊》、《人物》、《纽约客》、《现代》、《商业周刊》、《新共和国》、《今日美国》、《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《芝加哥论坛》等都对她作过专题介绍,《今日》、《美国有线电视新闻网络(CNN)》、《MSNBC》、《早安美国》等也都曾制作过她的专题节目。她亦频繁在"今日","赖利金现场",CNN,CNBC,"早安美国"等电视节目中出镜,以及在 "NBC今日新闻"和著名的"奥普拉·温芙蕾脱口秀"中数次亮相。