首席中世纪刀剑权威和公认的世界级大师,82岁的Ewart Oakeshott,他在这一领域执牛耳已达几十年之久。
长期以来,他几乎从未停止过收集、研究、调查他所热爱的欧洲刀剑,他为这一工作倾注了毕生热情与精力。他探讨这一课题的目的绝非仅仅为艺术博物馆进行考古学和人类学方面的研究,像他这样的人在全世界也屈指可数。 Oakeshott从四零年代就开始了对历史上刀剑在军事方面的使用和重现古代战争的私人研究。他编纂了许多精彩的参考书,这些都成为钻研西方刀剑的后进爱用的主修教材和灵感来源。
Oakeshott先生的作品眾多,其中著名的有:《骑士时代的剑》(The Sword in theAge of Chivalry)、《武器考古学》(The Archaeology of Weapons)、《中世纪剑的档案》(Records of the Medieval Sword)、《战士》(Fighting Men )、《骑士和他的武器》(A Knight and His Weapons)等。
Arms and armor from prehistory to the age of chivalry are covered in this detailed analysis of medieval arms development. More than 30 centuries are studied here, but the tone is lively and light, using evidence of arms found during excavations and descriptions in literature and art to lend insight into early warfare. The Archaeology of Weapons is good for high school study or for leisure browsers.