大家好我是美髯之,国内6年的外科医生,现在在美国科州丹佛 UCHSC 医学院读书。


一,USMLE 试题 (Question_bank)集合大全,比如PRETEST,KAPLAN,FIRST AID
1.pretest Surgery 9ed for Step 2
2.Pretest Psychiatry 9th ed. - USMLE Step 2 (2001)
3.pretest Preventive Medicine & Public Health 9ed for Step 2
4.pretest Physical Dignosis 4ed
5.Pretest pharmacology 10ed for Step 2
6.PreTest Pediatrics 10ed
7.Pretest Pathophysiology 2ed for Step 1
8.pretest Pathology 10ed 2002 for Step 1
9.pretest Obstetrics and Gynecology 10ed 2004
10.PreTest Neuroscience 4ed for Step 1
11.Pretest Neurology 5ed
12.Pretest Microbiology 10Ed for Step 1
13.Pretest Medicine 10ed
14.Pretest EmergencyMedicine 2nd ed
15.pretest Clinical Vignettes for step 2 2ed
16.Pretest Chest Radiology 1ed for Step 2
17.pretest Biochemistry and Genetics 1ed 2002 for Step 1
18.pretest Behavioral Sciences 9ed for Step 1
19.pretest Psychiatry 9ed for Step2
20.pretest Preventive Medicine and Public Health 9ed for Step 2
21.pretest Physiology for Step 1 10ed 2003
22.pretest Clinical Vignettes 2ed for Step 1
二,Textbooks(教科书) 以及Lecture(笔记综合) 系列;包括美国教授的考前讲座。


In the United States and its territories, the individual medical licensing authorities ("state medical boards") of the various jurisdictions grant a license to practice medicine. Each medical licensing authority sets its own rules and regulations and requires passing an examination that demonstrates qualification for licensure. Results of the USMLE are reported to these authorities for use in granting the initial license to practice medicine. The USMLE provides them with a common evaluation system for applicants for initial medical licensure.
The USMLE assesses a physician's ability to apply knowledge, concepts, and principles, and to demonstrate fundamental patient-centered skills, that are important in health and disease and that constitute the basis of safe and effective patient care. Each of the three Steps of the USMLE complements the others; no Step can stand alone in the assessment of readiness for medical licensure. Because individual medical licensing authorities make decisions regarding use of USMLE results, physicians seeking licensure should contact the jurisdiction where they intend to apply for licensure to obtain complete information. Also, the FSMB can provide general information on medical licensure.