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《活得聪明活得好》(Life Strategies)[MP3]


更新时间:2006-09-21 16:03:00

文件大小:169 MB



《活得聪明活得好》(Life Strategies)[MP3]



菲利普‧麦格劳(Phillip C. McGraw)
菲利普‧麦格劳博士,是数百万人熟知「欧普拉脱口秀」节目的「菲尔博士」或「直言无讳博士」,是畅销书《活得聪明活得好》与《让爱再活一次》的作者,也是「法务研究」(Courtroom Sciences, Inc.)诉讼顾问公司的创办人兼董事长,处理过美国一些最引人注目的诉讼案件。菲尔博士曾在有效生活技能研讨会中训练过数千人,也是一位广受欢迎的演说家,目前与妻子及两位儿子定居德州。


《活得聪明活得好》(Life Strategies)[MP3]

Dr. Phil McGraw is on the right track with The Ultimate Weight Solution: The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom. He does an excellent job of dealing with the seven keys included in this book. Keys one and two deal with will and emotions.
-- The first key is: Proper Thinking. Dr. Phil helps you to address the way you think about yourself and to stop the negative self-doubt so you'll stay on the right track.
-- The second key is: Feelings, Dr. Phil helps you clear-up emotional issues that are getting in the way of living a full, emotionally healthy life.
Keys three through six deal with the body and health. This is where the standard weight loss techniques are addressed.
-- The third key is: Dealing with cravings.
-- The fourth key is: Intentional exercise.
-- The fifth key is: Eating high nutritional foods.
-- The sixth key is: Keeping your environment fail safe.
Finally, the book focuses on another area that is frequently missed by diet books--the seventh key is: A circle of support.
Dr. Phil McGraw's The Ultimate Weight Solution: The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom: Is one of the best weight loss books I've seen in a long time.
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