The Farmer And The Republican Party - William Howard Taft
Address To The American Indians - Pres. Woodrow Wilson
Address To The Boys' Progressive League - Former Pres. Theodore Roosevelt
Inaugural Address, 1933 - Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Inaugural Address, 1937 - Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Election Eve Campaign Speech - Gov. Thomas E. Dewey
Inaugural Address - Pres. Harry S Truman
"Checkers" Speech - Sen. Richard M. Nixon
Presidential Campaign Address - Gov. Adlai Stevenson
Republican Convention Address - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Presidential Debate - Sen. John F. Kennedy & V.P. Richard M. Nixon
Presidential Campaign Address - Sen. Barry Goldwater
Address To The Nation - Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson
Presidential Campaign Address - Sen. Robert F. Kennedy
Inaugural Address - Pres. Richard M. Nixon
Resignation Address - V.P. Spiro Agnew
Resignation Address - Pres. Richard M. Nixon
Democratic Convention Acceptance Speech - Gov. Jimmy Carter
Inaugural Address - Pres. Ronald Reagan
Keynote Address For The Democratic Convention - Gov. Mario Cuomo
Address To The Democratic Convention - Rev. Jesse Jackson
First Recorded Promotional Message On The Edison Phonograph - Len Spencer
The German Peril - Former U.S. Amb. To Germany James Gerard Watson
Address From France - Gen. J.J. "Black Jack" Pershing
On Lindberg's Return To The United States - Pres. Calvin Coolidge & Charles Lindberg
Abdication Address - King Edward VIII
On His Return From The Munich Conference - P.M. Neville Chamberlain
On The Occasion Of Germany's Occupation Of The Sudetenland In Czechoslovakia - Chancellor Adolf Hitler
Declaration Of War With Germany - P.M. Neville Chamberlain
First Radio Address As Prime Minister - P.M. Winston Churchill
Declaration Of War Against Japan - Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The First Atomic Bomb Attack On Japan - Pres. Harry S Truman
Address To Congress - Gen. Douglas MacArthur
On The Fall Of Dien Bien Phu - Sec. Of State John Foster Dulles
Announcement Of The Launching Of Sputnik - Radio Moscow
The Cuban Missile Crisis - Pres. John F. Kennedy
Confrontation Over The Presence Of Russian Missilies In Cuba - U.S. Amb. to The U.N. Adlai Stevenson
On Signing The Civil Rights Bill - Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson
Eulogy For Robert F. Kennedy - Sen. Edward Kennedy
The End Of The Vietnam War - Pres. Richard M. Nixon
On Commencement Of The Bombing Of Iraq - Pres. George Bush
The Ideal Republic - William Jennings Bryan
On The Future Of Women In Flying - Amelia Earhart
Farewell To Baseball - Lou Gehrig
Address To The Nation On The R.A.F. - P.M. Winston Churchill
Greetings To The Children Of England - Princess Elizabeth & Princess Margaret
Farewell To Baseball - Babe Ruth
Address To Congress - Casey Stengel
Farewell Address - Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower
Inaugural Address - Pres. John F. Kennedy
The First American In Earth Orbit - Lt. Col. John Glenn
Address To Civil Rights Marchers in Washington, D.C. - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Christmas Greetings From Space - Astronaut Frank Borman
The Moon Landing - Astronaut Neil Armstrong
Address To Congress - Hank Aaron
Address To The Nation On The Berlin Wall - Pres. Ronald Reagan
Address On U.S. Neutrality - Charles A. Lindbergh
Address To The Chicago Irish Fellowship Club - Sen. Joseph McCarthy
The Kitchen Debate - V.P. Richard M. Nixon & Premier Nikita Khrushchev
Farewell To Fans (The Payola Scandal) - Alan Freed
Concession Speech - Richard M. Nixon
On Black Power - Malcolm X
Address To The Yippie Convention - Jerry Rubin
Press Conference On The Riots At The Democratic Convention - Mayor Richard Daley
Address On The Vietnam War Protests - V.P. Spiro Agnew
Address To The Women Of America - Gloria Steinem
On Releasing The Watergate Tapes - Pres. Richard M. Nixon
Testimony At The Iran-Contra Hearings - Lt. Col. Oliver North
![《20世纪的伟大演说合集 英语》(The Great Speeches of the 20th Century)[MP3]](
I hate giving presentations!
你有没有听过同学这样说? 又或者你自己有没有这样说过、想过?如果有,那便证明你很正常,因为很多人也有同样的想法,甚至连一本书也以 I hate giving presentations!(PN4121 .O92 1997)为名 。
大多数人都不喜欢作公眾演说,因为在眾目睽睽下说话往往令人不安或紧张。在《煽动性演讲》(PN4129.C6 C55 1995) 一书内有这样的一个故事:一位演说家应邀到美国三藩市的一所金融机构演讲,向八十位分公司经理讲述如何消除演讲紧张。他在登台前上厕所,一位女士瞄了一下他胸前「演说贵宾」的名牌,问他:「先生,您是不是很紧张?」「哪里,我有十年的演说经验。」他笑著回答。 这位女士说:「那您为什么进到女厕来?」
除了要克服紧张的情绪之外,精彩的演说还需要很高的表达技巧,例如说话上次序的铺排就十分重要。《把话说到心窝里》(PN4129.C6 L58 2000)的作者刘墉举了一个例子来阐述这一点──有一个人,看来很倒霉,他有四个孩子,但是早死了三个,他二十一岁的时候经商失败;二十二岁竞选州议员又失败;二十六岁失恋,差点死掉;二十七岁那年精神崩溃;三十四岁,他竞选眾议员失败,再选,也失败。四十五岁改选参议员,还是败北。直到五十二岁,参加总统选举才终於成功了。他成为美国的第十六任总统,他是谁?他是亚伯拉罕‧林肯!
至於演讲内容方面,必须先了解听眾的背景、教育程度、兴趣与需要,按著演说的场合与主题来拟定讲题。再多下功夫搜集资料準备演讲内容,加上吸引人继续聆听的开场白和令人难忘的结语,便能写出一份生动有趣的讲稿。Executive's portfolio of model speeches for all occasions(HD30.3 .B66 1991) 一书讲解在不同场合演说的技巧,例如介绍新产品、主持会议、圣诞晚会等,并提供不少出色的演词作为例子。若能找到合适的讲词作为参考,在预备演说时自能事半功倍。
学游泳是不能单靠看书的,必须跳进水裏练习才能学成。公眾演说也是一样,明白了演讲要素后,仍需不断练习。选择适当的练习环境是非常重要的,一个初学游泳的人在深水练习足可致命;同样,在还未训练有素时便毅然在重要场合演讲,若有失误或尷尬场面出现,那次惨痛的经历可能令你一生留下阴影,从此远避公眾演说。谚语有云: "Success breeds success; failure breeds failure."