英文名称:Star Wars Audio Books
![《星球大战》(Star Wars Audio Books)[MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6032107/4720604.gif)
01 - 停战在Bakura
在与帝国的战争中, 联盟得到前哨基地行星的消息beseiged 由一个新外籍人侵略者, 生物lizardlike 种族弯曲在星系的占领。 注满以他们的最近胜利和由他们的血统的揭示震惊, 卢克和Leia 到帝国的边缘旅行协力以他们从前的敌人与一个更加致命的仇敌交战。 设置在梯牧草Zahn 的"星之前事件打仗" 周期, Tyers 的首先掠夺入星战争宇宙捕获空间歌剧感受当试图一个腐朽的帝国的力量的一个三维写照。
Hard on the heels of the emperor's death, the Alliance receives word of an outpost planet beseiged by a new alien invader, a lizardlike race of creatures bent on conquest of the galaxy. Flushed with their recent victory and stunned by the revelation of their parentage, Luke and Leia travel to the edge of the Empire to join forces with their erstwhile enemies to combat an even deadlier foe. Set prior to the events of Timothy Zahn's "Star Wars" cycle, Tyers's first foray into the Star Wars universe captures the feel of space opera while attempting a three-dimensional portrayal of the forces of a decaying empire.
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02 Leia 公主求爱
仍然在与帝国的战争, 雏鸟新共和国接受联盟提议与Hapes 财团的63 个世界的, 在Leia 公主与它的承继人结婚条件下, Isolder 王子。 作为Gen 。 韩独奏和Isolder 为Leia 的心脏与一次宇宙争斗, 在黑暗力量wielders 诱剂卢克阴谋的发现上, 韩、Leia, 和Isolder 战斗对一rendezvous 以危险在神奇行星Dathomir 。 Wolverton (在我的途中对天堂, LJ 12/89) 是一位生动的场面建造者, 夺取星的电影味道打仗宇宙当扩展在星系的外面伸手可及的距离。
Still at war with the Empire, the fledgling New Republic receives an offer of alliance with the 63 worlds of the Hapes Consortium, provided that Princess Leia will marry its heir, Prince Isolder. As Gen. Han Solo and Isolder fight a cosmic battle for Leia's heart, the discovery of a conspiracy of dark-force wielders lures Luke, Han, Leia, and Isolder to a rendezvous with danger on the mysterious planet Dathomir. Wolverton ( On My Way to Paradise , LJ 12/89) is a vivid scene builder, capturing the cinematic flavor of the Star Wars universe while expanding on the outer reaches of the galaxy.
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03 水晶星
她的孩子的绑架送Leia 公主横跨星系追求绑架者, 未察觉, 她的查寻与韩和卢克的企图将相符揭露Jedi 骑士一个被传言的聚集地在前皇家疆土边缘。 这最新的加法对普遍的星战争系列增加一个新维度来它的英雄生活作为Leia 的孩子并且韩独奏, 拒绝依然是被动受害者, 开始他们自己的冒险。
The abduction of her children sends Princess Leia across the galaxy in pursuit of the kidnappers, unaware that her search will coincide with Han and Luke's attempts to uncover a rumored enclave of Jedi Knights on the fringes of former imperial territory. This latest addition to the popular Star Wars series adds a new dimension to the lives of its heroes as the children of Leia and Han Solo, who refuse to remain passive victims, embark on an adventure of their own.
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04 - Jedi 的孩子
如同Jedi 的孩子打开, 发狂, 药物addled 前走私贩命名痛击McKumb 刺在韩独奏在他和Leia 的国事访问中间对Ithor 。 (长期在第二个死亡星的破坏以后, Leia 现在是新共和国的工作疲倦的国家首脑。) 韩, Leia, 并且卢克很快推测, 这不是仅另韩的饮用的伙计而是宁可一个古怪修改过的人运载一个可怕的秘密。 拼合线索从McKumb 的glossolaliac 夸大其词, 韩和Leia 引起了寻找Jedi 的孩子的古老隐藏处, 当卢克-- 使用力量和他的前学生和pal 被转动droid 的Nichos 作为一台随机号发电器-- 决定朝向对一套座标半路横跨星系。
As Children of the Jedi opens, a crazed, drug-addled ex-smuggler named Drub McKumb lunges at Han Solo in the middle of his and Leia's state visit to Ithor. (Long after the destruction of the second Death Star, Leia is now the New Republic's work-weary head of state.) Han, Leia, and Luke soon surmise that this isn't just another of Han's drinking buddies but rather a weirdly altered man carrying a terrible secret. Piecing together clues from McKumb's glossolaliac rants, Han and Leia set off in search of the ancient hiding place of the Children of the Jedi, while Luke--using the Force and his former-pupil-and-pal-turned-droid Nichos as a random number generator--decides to head off to a set of coordinates halfway across the galaxy.
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05 黑暗军刀
这是八年在Endor 以后争斗, 并且Hutts 希望做太空星群的力量戏剧使用Lemelisk 的最新的项目, 有点儿圆柱形死亡星superlaser 在类固醇, 取绰号的Darksaber 。 但最近被授权的反叛者和恢复的帝国不坐懒惰。 如同书打开, 韩和卢克偷偷地走他们的方式横跨Tatooine 的沙丘海, 穿戴在Tusken 阻力。 卢克的看对公社与Obi 苍白学会怎么保存他的Jedi 挤压, Callista, 最近抢救从船计算机的内脏在Palpatine 的超级duper 星驱逐舰。 同时, 皇家舰队的等级胀大在吸引人海军上将Daala 之下。 卢克帮助Callista 再将接触力量吗? Daala 的舰队在哪里将碰撞吹动反对新共和国? Lemelisk 的新发明将相连足够长期保存他自己的皮吗?
It's eight years after the battle of Endor, and the Hutts are hoping to make a galactic power play using Lemelisk's latest project, a sort of cylindrical Death Star superlaser-on-steroids, dubbed Darksaber. But the newly empowered Rebels and the recovering Empire aren't sitting idle. As the book opens, Han and Luke are sneaking their way across Tatooine's Dune Sea, dressed in Tusken drag. Luke's looking to commune with Obi-Wan to learn how to save his Jedi squeeze, Callista, recently rescued from the innards of the ship computer on Palpatine's super-duper Star Destroyer. Meanwhile, the ranks of the Imperial Fleet swell under the charismatic Admiral Daala. Will Luke help Callista touch the Force again? Where will Daala's fleet strike a blow against the New Republic? Will Lemelisk's new invention hold together long enough to save his own hide?
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06 - 微明行星
为不停的Leia-fest 做准备。 新共和国的新领导再回来在奴役, 但至少这时候她没有Jabba 小屋slobbering 到处她。 绑架在一个秘密使命对前监狱行星Nam Chorios 去偏差之后, Leia 依靠她的机智, 她曾经发展中Jedi 力量(包括某一手段军刀摇摆), 并且她的pals 逃脱, 生存, 并且解决冲突在落寞行星。 韩, Chewie, 并且Lando 也许得到短的shrift 在微明里行星, 但卢克得到在一些好场面在力量敏感宝贝Callista 足迹, 并且droids 比笑他们的份额提供更多。
Prepare yourself for a nonstop Leia-fest. The New Republic's new leader is back in bondage again, but at least this time she doesn't have Jabba the Hut slobbering all over her. Kidnapped after a clandestine mission to the former prison-planet Nam Chorios goes awry, Leia relies on her wits, her ever-developing Jedi powers (including some mean saber-swinging), and her pals to escape, survive, and resolve the conflict on the desolate planet. Han, Chewie, and Lando may get short shrift in Planet of Twilight, but Luke gets in some good scenes on the trail of Force-sensitive babe Callista, and the droids provide more than their share of laughs.
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Star Wars - 07 - Cloak Of Deception
CLOAK OF DECEPTION is the story of political intrigue and economic espionage in which the shadowy Dark Side sets out to destroy Chancellor Valorum, setting the groundwork for the Trade Federation blockade of Naboo. THE APPROACHING STORM follows young Anakin Skywalker and his Jedi Master, Obi Wan Kenobi, on an interstellar and interpersonal adventure. The production quality of these audiobooks is clean and professional except for the overuse of canned sound effects--everything from blaster fire and rocket blasts to the belches and flatulent sounds of alien creatures
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Star Wars - 08 - Crimson Empire
Although Emperor Palpatine is dead, a powerful Ruling Council continues with the empire's plans. Dark Lord Carnor Jax is determined to claim the throne, but he must first eliminate Kir Kanos, the only member of the emperor's elite bodyguard to survive after Jax's treachery toward his emperor and fellow guardsmen. Seeking refuge from Jax, Kanos finds himself allied with rebel forces. But Kanos owes allegiance to no one, and rebel leader Mirith Sinn cannot trust the enigmatic warrior whose loyalty lies with a dead emperor.
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Star Wars - 09 - Darth Maul Shadow Hunter
Insidiously evil Darth Sidious is poised to launch the Naboo trade blockade featured in The Phantom Menace. But one of his alien henchmen has sneaked away to betray this scheme and must die. So must the traitor's contacts, smalltime crook Lorn Pavan and his uppity droid, I-Five. Likewise Darsha Assant, the female Jedi Knight apprentice who gets entangled with Pavan through either mind-boggling coincidence or the mysterious ways of the Force.
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Star Wars - 10 - I Jedi
Readers travel deeper than ever before into the mysterious world of the Jedi when Luke Skywalker is forced to stop a secret cadre of pirates who have banded together, posing a threat to the fragile New Republic.
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Star Wars - 11 - Shadows Of The Empire
The story takes place between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and those of Return of the Jedi, with Luke continuing his self-training as a Jedi knight and everybody else trying to track down and unfreeze Han Solo before Boba Fett delivers him to Jabba the Hutt. Unfortunately, Darth Vader is looking for his son (Luke--remember?), to turn him to the dark side of the Force, and a nonhuman criminal mastermind who makes Jabba look like a shoplifter--Prince Xizor of the Black Sun--is also after Luke, to take vengeance on Darth Vader for killing his family. We see a good deal of Vader's ambivalence toward both his son and his emperor, which led to the conclusion of Return, and Perry handles the multitudinous details of the increasingly complex Star Wars universe as competently as he deals with characters and pacing.
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Star Wars - 12 - New Rebellion
The Empire has been defeated and the New Republic established, but internal dissension threatens to tear the newfound stability apart. Over the objections of President Leia Organa Solo, former Imperials have been admitted to the Senate?which is then bombed, killing many of Leia's old allies and injuring Leia herself. Leia believes that the former Imperials are to blame, but they accuse her husband, Han Solo, of treachery. As tension builds, it's discovered that another player has entered the game, the mysterious Kueller, a heretofore unknown master of the dark side of the Force. Leia's brother, Luke Skywalker, goes to investigate and, eventually, he, Han, Leia, Lando, Artoo, Threepio and other longtime Stars Wars characters find themselves fighting desperately to stave off the collapse of the New Republic.
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Star Wars 13 - Tales Of The Jedi - Book 1
The Sith Empire has rallied its forces for an all-out battle for control of the galaxy. Its goal: Crush the Republic. And with so many Sith Masters among them, the goal is not unachievable. As Naga Sadow readies his fleet to attack, one lone person threatens to undermine the entire campaign -- Jori Daragon. She isn`t a Jedi. She`s an explorer, a mapper of hyperspace who stumbled on the plans of the Sith. And she just may be the savior of the Republic.
![《星球大战》(Star Wars Audio Books)[MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6032107/4720455.jpg)
Star Wars 14 - Tales Of The Jedi - Book 2 - Dark Lords of Silth
Ulic Qel-Dromoa and Nomi Sunrider are young Jedi Knights drawn into a battle for the survival of the Old Republic. But as the power of the evil Sith spreads across the galaxy, it threatens the existence of the Jedi themselves, and draws one of their greatest allies over to the dark side!