英文名称:Stranger in a Strange Land
版本:Sci Fi[科幻有声书]
![《异乡异客》(Stranger in a Strange Land)Sci Fi[科幻有声书][MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6031410/3444561.jpg)
说明一下,Stranger in a Strange Land一共出版过两次,1961年是redacted版,1991年original uncut版,也就是说,1961年的版本其实是1991年版本的删节版。这里提供的Audio book是1961版的,但因为我手头的4个版本的文本都是1991年uncut版的,所以不好意思只能附上1991年版的PDF。当然audiobook朗读的内容pdf上都有,只不过因为删节的关系,有明显的跳跃。。。所幸不是相反的状况。
作者介绍:罗伯特·海因莱因(about the author:Robert Heinlein)
50年代中期到60年代中期,是海因莱因科幻创作的鼎盛期,这期间创作了一系列高水准的科幻长篇,其中《双星》(Double,1956)、《星船伞兵》(Starship Troopers,1959)、《异乡异客》(Stranger in a Strange Land,1961)以及《月亮是一个严厉的女人》(The Moon in a Harsh Mistress,1966)四部获得了着名的雨果奖。
Captain van Tromp decided that it was time to throw a tantrum. "This man Smith--This 'man!' Can't you see that he is not?"
"Smith . . . is . . . not . . . a . . . man."
"Huh? Explain yourself, Captain."
"Smith is an intelligent creature with the ancestry of a man, but he is more Martian than man. Until we came along he had never laid eyes on a man. He thinks like a Martian, feels like a Martian. He's been brought up by a race which has nothing in common with us--they don't even have sex. He's a man by ancestry, a Martian by environment. . . "
If any work of fiction will earn Robert Heinlein a permanent place on the collective bookshelf, it is going to be Stranger in a Strange Land, for the impact it has made on American society. If a person has not managed to read Stranger by now, then he has at least absorbed a bit of it osmotically, for it flows throughout our cultural consciousness. Perhaps least of all, it anticipated Nancy Reagan's reliance on astrology and spawned the water bed and the neologism "grok," (Heinlein's Martian verb for a thorough understanding), though "grok" would never have taken hold, had the young rebels of the 1960s not discovered Stranger as their counterculture bible. Some went even further and formed "nests" and churches based on what they found in Stranger; perhaps the most famous instance of that is the Church of All Worlds, a pagan group who lifted its name and logo intact from the book. Stranger has also begun to be included in many canonical college reading lists, and Billy Joel saw fit to mention the title in his 1989 Top-40 hit about history, "We Didn't Start the Fire."
Stranger's fire was kindled in 1948 in a brainstorming session between Robert Heinlein and his wife, Virginia. While looking for material to fit John Campbell's title, "Gulf," Mrs. Heinlein thought it would be interesting to explore the case of a human raised by Martians. Heinlein thought that the idea would make a pretty good Lettres Perses-type novel, took some notes and filed it away for later use, finally placing the completed but abridged version with Putnam's in 1961 (an uncut edition was released in 1991).
Stranger in a Strange Land tells the story of Valentine Michael Smith, orphaned progeny of the first manned expedition to Mars, who has been raised by Martians and brought back to Earth by a second human expedition. Though he is a man in his twenties, Smith looks at absolutely everything on this new planet through the ignorant eyes of a baby, and faces the job of learning how to be a human being. If the world government of Earth will let him, that is, for Smith, through a legal fluke, not only has sole survivor rights to the space drive that his mother invented, but also to the surface of Mars. In a Byzantine maneuver that makes Watergate seem minor, the government holds Smith hostage while it tries to figure out how to seize his assets. Ben Caxton, a muckraking reporter, suspects the worst and attempts to rescue Smith. The problem is, if you can't fight City Hall, how can you even begin to fight a world government?
Enter Caxton's friend, Jubal Harshaw, attorney, physician, hack writer, bon vivant, curmudgeon, anarchist. He caches Smith in Freedom Hall, his Poconos enclave, and takes on the dual chore of fighting the world federation for Smith's liberty and of educating Smith in the ways of his biological race. The youth is an apt student, a strange admixture of human infant and Martian superman, and as time goes on, he manages to win more and more people over to his own alien viewpoint. He becomes a kind of messiah--with explosive results.
Given that, I leave it to the reader to pick up Stranger in a Strange Land and revel in it. In spite of the movements and religions it has birthed, Stranger is no bible; it is a sprawling satire of human conceits, including marriage, love, sex and--most importantly--religion. Satire usually aims to inform, so if one is looking for any message in Stranger, then one take a good, long look at Heinlein's targets and think. As Heinlein himself said in a letter to an avid fan, ". . .I would never undertake to be a `Prophet,' handing out neatly packaged answers to lazy minds. [. . .] anyone who takes that book as answers is cheating himself. It is an invitation to think--not to believe."
What an invitation.
~~Beth Ager
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