英文名称:The Puppet Masters
版本:Sci Fi有声书
![《宠物主人》(The Puppet Masters)Sci Fi有声书[MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6031410/3438518.jpg)
作者介绍:罗伯特·海因莱因(about the author:Robert Heinlein)
50年代中期到60年代中期,是海因莱因科幻创作的鼎盛期,这期间创作了一系列高水准的科幻长篇,其中《双星》(Double,1956)、《星船伞兵》(Starship Troopers,1959)、《异乡异客》(Stranger in a Strange Land,1961)以及《月亮是一个严厉的女人》(The Moon in a Harsh Mistress,1966)四部获得了着名的雨果奖。
Earth was being invaded by aliens and the top security agencies were helpless: the aliens were controlling the mind of every person they encountered. So it was up to Sam Cavanaugh, secret agent for a powerful and deadly spy network, to find a way to stop them--which meant he had to be invaded himself!
another Excelent heinlein novel, March 4, 2004
Reviewer: john (PA)
At first, the story of aliens parasites invading earth and seizing power by controlling human hosts may sound trite, with movies such as the 1956 classic "invasion of the body snatchers" up to the more recent "the faculty", but Heinlein a visionary as always did it first, and without a doubt did it best.
As with many of Heinlein's books this was a bit slow getting started. But within the first 60 pages I found I could not put it down (not that I could if I wanted too, because I only had 48 hours to read the book and do a report on it). Once the story gets started the excitement doesn't slow down until the very end. The ending, for that matter is very un-characteristically upbeat, not that Heinlein is notorious for sad endings, but many of his books just sort of end and the characters move on.
Now, a few reasons why I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars. When compared to books by any other author I would without hesitation give this book 5 stars, but when compared to Heinlein's own works, by which I mean the classics, "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", "stranger in a strange land", "Starship Troopers", etc., in some aspects it just doesn't match up. If you haven't read any other novels by Heinlein, I strongly suggest that you do not start with this one. at first the concept of "future history" can be a bit hard to grasp. The story is written 1951 looking back on a war that happened in the early 21st century. This concept is made all the more confusing by the fact that it is no longer future history, but more present history. Its just kind of hard to wrap your mind around, and it would be a pity to waste such a great story trying to understand when everything is going on.
All in all I thought this book was an excellent read. Thought I know all the others copiers followed Heinlein's example, I was exposed to their versions first, and thus the story does seem a bit tired by the time you read the original. "Imitated, but never copied" I believe is how the saying goes, and this more than holds true for this book, any imitators could never have copied Heinlein's quick wit, and subtle socio-political preaching's, all Heinlein fans have come to know and love.
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