这是Essential Blues Guitar Volume 1: 101 Riffs的后续第二卷,VOL 2共包括由蓝调吉他大师 Danny Casavant 教授的完整片断,每一个片段持续时间4~5分钟,乐谱显示在屏幕上,也可以打印出来。
Essential Blues Guitar Volume 2 is part of the Video Guitar Lessons Series, and it's an invaluable addition to the "Essential Blues Guitar Volume 1: 101 Riffs." This contains 20 complete 4-5 minute Blues Guitar tunes with soloing by Blues Guitar master Danny Casavant. Watch these videos over and over, viewing the fretboard action (right and left hands), the onscreen notation, and guitar tab as you learn to play these great solos and techniques. The notation scrolls along with the video, so you can see the tab in sync with the video performance. Also included are the Band-in-a-Box files for these tunes, that you can practice at your own speed, or transpose them to new keys.
The Windows version of this program can be used either as a standalone program featuring notation and video, or it can be used in conjunction with Band-in-a-Box. The Mac version requires Band-in-a-Box 12 for OSX for full functionality.
Both the Windows and Mac versions feature over 2 hours of video instruction, and 101 separate Band-in-a-Box song files!