英文名称:Frank Shamrock - Ultimate Home Workout
![《健身不求人》(Frank Shamrock - Ultimate Home Workout)[TVRip]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005083011/20050830111905232.jpg)
讲到 Work Out 就会让人联想到大块肌肉的猛男, 但大概也不会有太多人愿意把自己膀子练的和大腿一样粗吧 :-) 这卷 VHS会教你怎样在家中使用简单的方法使自己身体变的匀称. 上班族们, 为了自己的健康与性福, 下载学习看看吧 !!
In tape 1 of this series, Frank Shamrock reveals a unique approach to fitness, which can be utilized by virtually anyone. Because of his busy schedule and the need to improve his fitness and, at the same time, his fighting skills, Frank developed an amazing home workout routine, which incorporates both! Wheather your goal is to become an awsome fighter or just to get into awsome shape, in just 45 minutes a day, three times a week, you can lose weight, build muscle, and improve your fightng skills using "the King's" own personal home workout routine.