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《生物学》(Raven and Johnson's Biology)PDF


更新时间:2005-08-18 12:34:00

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英文名称:Raven and Johnson's Biology
《生物学》(Raven and Johnson's Biology)PDF
BIOLOGY is an authoritative majors textbook with evolution as a unifying theme. In revising the text, McGraw-Hill has consulted extensively with previous users, noted experts and professors in the field. It is distinguished from other texts by its strong emphasis on natural selection and the evolutionary process that explains biodiversity.

Not only has the book been thoroughly updated to reflect rapid advances, there is more emphasis today on the teaching of concepts and this has led to significant changes in how the material is presented. Technology also plays a greater role in teaching and the Online Learning Center found at http://www.mhhe.com/raven6 provides professors and students alike with an abundance of resources.

Five considerations influenced this revision. They are: 1) Focus on concepts; 2) Reinforcing Ideas; 3) Emphasizing relevance to students; 4) Keeping up with new developments; and 5) Careful editing.

Book Info

C. Brown. Washington University, St. Louis, MO. Fourth edition of an extensive biology textbook, for undergraduates. Emphasizes the role of evolution in biology and the relevance of biological principles to everyday life. New chapters on cellular mechanisms of development, cell-cell interactions, and control of gene expression. Extensively illustrated. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Product Details

Hardcover: 1344 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 6 edition (March 15, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN: 0073031208
Product Dimensions: 11.5 x 8.9 x 1.7 inches

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