英文名称:Microsoft Student 2006
![《微软学生2006》(Microsoft Student 2006)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005083008/20050830080549807.jpg)
特大喜讯:Student 2006 终于出来了
我是vbcity,就是发布Encarta 2006的那个。经过令人漫长的等待,我终于搞到了Student 2006 的完整版。
在经过一段时间的测试后,微软最近正式发布了一套全新教育软件——Microsoft Student 2006。它的主打产品为微软大百科全书Encarta Premium 2006,并捆绑上多款Microsoft Office插件。
该软件的核心部分“Learning Essentials for Students”集成Office、课业指南等诸多功能,并提供大量使用的Word、Excel、Powepoint模板,以供完成论文、申述等重要课业。
数学作业是很多学生最大的苦痛,“Learning Essentials for Students”不仅能够提供在线数学作业辅导,还提供一款功能强大的图形计算软件,可以完成彩色两维、三维数学绘图。
而在其他学科领域,Microsoft Student 2006提供大量来自微软百科全书的公式、概念讲解,有效提高学生预习、查询的时间效率。
微软的Encarta 系列中除了在美国本土销售的英文版之外,还有德语、法语、西班牙语等多种语言的版本,不过各个非英语版本的Encarta中其文章的数量与质量都非能英语版所企及。当然,鉴于中国市场的特殊性,因此目前微软在中国市场上还不大可能会推出中文版的。
3、Microsoft Student 2006中的Encarta与Microsoft Encarta Premium有何区别?
关于这个问题我以在我的Encarta 2006的帖子中给予了答复,地址如下:
《微软英卡特百科全书白金版2006》(Microsoft Encarta Premium 2006)Premium - 白金版[ISO]]
QUOTEMicrosoft Student 2006 is a comprehensive, subject-specific resource designed to help middle- and high-school students complete high-quality homework assignments and projects in less time. With curriculum-based templates and tutorials, a fully functional graphing calculator with 2-D and 3-D four-color graphing capabilities, trusted content, and tools for cutting through online clutter, Microsoft Student 2006 provides students with the tools and information they need to achieve academic success.
![《微软学生2006》(Microsoft Student 2006)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005083008/20050830080549649.jpg)
Learning Essentials for Students
Microsoft Office-compatible templates, tutorials, and toolbars help students create high-quality reports and presentations.
Graphing Calculator
A customizable 3-D calculator helps students visualize and solve complex math and science problems.
![《微软学生2006》(Microsoft Student 2006)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005083008/20050830080549685.jpg)
Web Companion
Web Companion improves Internet research with editorially approved content that is presented alongside Web search results.
Encarta Premium Encyclopedia
A full version of Microsoft Encarta Premium provides a world of trusted information to explore.
![《微软学生2006》(Microsoft Student 2006)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005083008/20050830080549825.jpg)
Online math homework help
Complete sets of questions and answers taken directly from popular math textbooks offer step-by-step help.
![《微软学生2006》(Microsoft Student 2006)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005083008/20050830080549652.jpg)
Encarta Premium Encyclopedia
A full version of Microsoft Encarta Premium provides a world of trusted information to explore.
Book Summaries
Over one thousand in-depth guides help students gain a better understanding of popular literary works.
Project starters
Organizational guides and tools take the stress out of starting projects.
Sometimes the hardest part about doing homework is getting started. Learning Essentials for Students provides assignment-specific guidance in Microsoft Office applications such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint®, and Excel. With curriculum-based templates, tools, and tutorials, Learning Essentials helps with a variety of subjects and assignments, from history reports and essays to physics projects and chemistry labs.
Getting past the blank page
The easy-to-use and intuitive tools, templates, and tutorials in Learning Essentials help students get past formatting questions and puts them into the core of the assignment to create high-quality reports, presentations, science projects, and other assignments more easily. Developed in cooperation with well-regarded academic publishers like Pearson Prentice Hall, SchoolKiT, and Great Source Houghton Mifflin Co., Learning Essentials even offers tips, tricks, and tutorials for managing homework projects and developing study aids.
Writing in Spanish, French, and German?
Microsoft Student 2006 unlocks tools in Microsoft Office specially designed for foreign language assignments, providing templates for writing in Spanish, French, and German. Once a template is launched, the student will have tools available specifically for writing in that language, such as letters with appropriate accents and spell checking with suggested correct spellings.
Putting together a polished package
Learning Essentials help students create accurate and compelling work—even in math and science. Guidelines and templates for Microsoft PowerPoint make for sharp analytical presentations, and templates for Microsoft Excel improve critical thinking on physics and chemistry assignments.
Microsoft Student 2006 comes with an invaluable tool for math and science homework: powerful, easy-to-use Graphing Calculator software, the perfect complement to the handheld calculators typically required in middle and high school.
A full-color display with 2-D and 3-D charting capabilities helps students visualize difficult problems in trigonometry, calculus, chemistry, and physics classes, and students can enter problems just as they appear in their textbooks. The ability to view, rotate, and animate large, colorful graphs makes understanding difficult concepts and problem-solving in advanced math and science courses significantly easier. Students can also save their work—to finish later, add to Word or PowerPoint documents, or share with study groups.
Customizable, interchangeable Calculator Skins let students personalize the Graphing Calculator and express their individual style.
Microsoft Student 2006 helps students find the right information—when and where they need it—from trusted sources, both online and off.
Streamline searches with Web Companion
Help students avoid the frustration of unfocused Web searches. When students do research online, Web Companion will bring up accurate, trusted information alongside the search-engine results—right in the browser, without launching additional applications.
Get the facts with Microsoft Encarta Premium 2006
Microsoft Student 2006 includes a full version of Encarta Premium 2006, with the Encarta Dictionary and Thesaurus, as well as more than 68,000 Encarta encyclopedia articles, edited by a team of thousands of experts in science, history, geography, and math. The Encarta Search Bar in the Windows task pane provides even faster, easier access to this wealth of information.
Microsoft Student 2006 gives students even more tools for tackling complicated assignments.
Find help online for math homework
Help with difficult homework assignments is just a few clicks away for basic math, algebra, advanced algebra, and geometry*. There's even a good chance that students can find the precise page and problem they're working on. Step-by-step instructions and hints are based on actual textbooks from major publishers. *
Help students start—and finish—assignments more quickly
Students can get tips for starting, managing, and completing work on essays, research papers, book reports, creative-writing projects, science projects, art projects, and oral presentations with Project Quick Starters in Microsoft Student 2006. A set of Book Summaries helps students understand and appreciate over a thousand classic works of literature, with synopses, analysis of themes and characters, and ideas for writing book reports.
To use Microsoft Student 2006, you need:
* A multimedia computer with a Pentium 500-MHz processor or faster (1 GHz or higher recommended)
* Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 4, or Windows XP operating system. Learning Essentials requires Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional SP4 or Windows XP and Microsoft Office 2003 or XP.
* Minimum 256 MB of RAM for Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 4 or Windows XP
* 850 MB of available hard-disk space; Encarta Kids requires an additional 330 MB of hard-disk space
* DVD-ROM drive
* 4 MB of VRAM; 16-bit SVGA or higher monitor supporting 800x600 screen resolution (1024x768 recommended)
* Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse, or compatible pointing device
* 16-bit sound card with speakers or headphones
Additional items or services required to use certain features:
* Some features require an Internet connection. Access to and use of the Internet may require payment of a separate fee to an Internet service provider. Local and long distance telephone call charges may apply
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (included on disk) or later; users can maintain other default browsers after installation (requires up to 75 MB of additional hard-disk space)
* Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 requires an additional 160 MB of hard-disk space. (included on disk)
* To access sounds and videos, Microsoft Windows Media Player 7.1 is required.
To use Update Encarta, Web links and Encarta Premium Online, you need:
* 28.8 Kbps or faster modem.
* Access to the Internet
* Up to 4 MB of additional hard-disk space for each month's installments
* Club Encarta Registration
To use Encarta Kids, you need:
* 450 MB of additional available hard-disk space
To use the Copy to Hard Drive feature, you need:
* Up to 2.1 GB of additional available hard-disk space
To hear the Encarta Dictionary Pronunciations, you need:
* Up to 150 MB of additional available hard-disk space
* Note:
An active Internet connection required for Live Media, Update Encarta, Web Links and access to Encarta Premium. Update Encarta and access to Encarta Premium Online available through October 2006 Club Encarta required for Update Encarta and access to Encarta Premium Online. Registration for Club Encarta requires a Microsoft® .NET Passport and an Internet connection. You must be 13 years or older to join Club Encarta.
![《微软学生2006》(Microsoft Student 2006)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005083008/20050830080549187.jpg)
![《微软学生2006》(Microsoft Student 2006)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005083008/20050830080549622.png)