英文名称:Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia 2006
![《微软英卡特百科全书2006西班牙语版》(Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia 2006 SPANISH)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005083005/20050830052330947.jpg)
虽然微软公司几乎每周都会为它卖得最好的Encarta百科全书提供在线升级,但是该公司还是坚持每年都为这款电子百科全书提供提供一次重要的升级。随着Encarta 2006的发布,微软公司让即使是只有7岁的儿童也能够很方便的使用这款软件,同时也为年龄更大一些的用户提供了更多的改进,比如说内置的搜索条,当然,还有更新的信息。对于家用百科全书收藏来说,Encarta 2006是一个非常有价值的补充,而它的价格也只要50美元。
Microsoft Encarta 2006 is the #1 best-selling encyclopedia brand*. Microsoft Encarta Premium 2006 helps families and lifelong learners explore a world of knowledge that's accurate and engaging. Encarta Premium offers more engaging multimedia and more carefully reviewed, age-appropriate information than ever before—with over 68,000 articles, over 25,000 photos and illustrations, over 300 videos and animations, over 2,500 sound and music clips, and an interactive atlas with over 1.8 million map locations. Encarta Premium also gives you the all-new Web Companion, which automatically pulls up information from Encarta alongside your Internet search results. Whether you’re searching online or offline, Encarta Premium is the trusted way for everyone in the family to easily find just about anything on just about any subject.
![《微软英卡特百科全书2006西班牙语版》(Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia 2006 SPANISH)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005083005/20050830052330550.jpg)
Whether doing serious research or just satisfying your own curiosity, you can trust Microsoft Encarta Premium 2006. The information in Encarta comes from experts you can trust, all carefully reviewed and regularly updated to ensure accuracy, relevance, and age-appropriateness.
Stay current with frequent downloads on topics ranging from prehistoric artifacts to the latest political movements. Microsoft Encarta 2006 helps you learn about important historical events with engaging, lively articles—all contributed by experts from every field, from science and history to world cultures and geography.
Streamline your searches with Web Companion
Avoid the frustration of unfocused Web searches with new Web Companion. When you research online, Web Companion brings up accurate, trusted information from Encarta alongside your Internet search-engine results—right in your browser, without launching additional applications.
![《微软英卡特百科全书2006西班牙语版》(Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia 2006 SPANISH)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005083005/20050830052330466.jpg)