英文名称:Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia Prenium 2005 DVD M
这个其实不是ISO, 不过至少NeroBurningRom 可以打开,也可以虚拟,其他的软件也可以。
![《微软Encarta百科全书2005白金版多语言版DVD》(Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia Prenium 2005 DVD Multi-Language)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082701/20050827010041528.jpg)
虽然微软公司几乎每周都会为它卖得最好的Encarta百科全书提供在线升级,但是该公司还是坚持每年都为这款电子百科全书提供提供一次重要的升级。随着Encarta Reference Library Premium 2005的发布,微软公司让即使是只有7岁的儿童也能够很方便的使用这款软件,同时也为年龄更大一些的用户提供了更多的改进,比如说内置的搜索条,当然,还有更新的信息。对于家用百科全书收藏来说,Encarta 2005是一个非常有价值的补充,而它的价格也只要170美元。
Our most comprehensive learning resource and The #1 best-selling encyclopedia brand that changes with the times, Microsoft Encarta Reference Library Premium 2005 is the smart place to start information searches; for homework, research projects, or just for the fun of learning**. Built by incorporating our popular Encyclopedia Deluxe, we just kept adding resources to create this versatile, safe, and complete learning tool. It’s trusted information the Internet just can’t deliver.
![《微软Encarta百科全书2005白金版多语言版DVD》(Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia Prenium 2005 DVD Multi-Language)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082701/20050827010041864.jpg)
New! Just for kids
With new encyclopedia content tailored to kids 7 to 12 years old, new Encarta Kids uses loads of pictures, large icons, and a simple, colorful interface to encourage exploration and discovery.
![《微软Encarta百科全书2005白金版多语言版DVD》(Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia Prenium 2005 DVD Multi-Language)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082701/20050827010041995.jpg)
New! An online math tutor
Available through a free subscription to MSN Encarta Premium through October 2005, the new Math Homework Help service helps give students the confidence to tackle even the toughest math assignments—always at their own pace—from basic multiplication to linear equations*. In addition to Online Math Homework Help, the free subscription to MSN Encarta Premium provides students with access to Encarta content and tools from any PC.
![《微软Encarta百科全书2005白金版多语言版DVD》(Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia Prenium 2005 DVD Multi-Language)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082701/20050827010041100.jpg)
New! Get there faster
Our new Encarta Search bar helps you find the information you need now. Embedded on the task bar, the new Encarta Search Bar can instantly find the encyclopedia information, dictionary look-up or the word you need in the Thesaurus.
![《微软Encarta百科全书2005白金版多语言版DVD》(Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia Prenium 2005 DVD Multi-Language)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082701/20050827010041443.jpg)
Bring learning to life
Topics vividly expressed through 3D virtual tours, animation, and sound and music clips help increase your child’s interest and aid learning retention. Rich, dynamic multimedia content just makes learning more fun!
![《微软Encarta百科全书2005白金版多语言版DVD》(Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia Prenium 2005 DVD Multi-Language)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082701/20050827010041659.jpg)
Homework done already?
Instead of homework avoidance and excuses, our Homework Center guides students from the first step through to successful completion of their assignments. Homework starters, literature guides and learning tools help give your child a leg-up.
Always current
Containing over 63,000 articles from trusted sources, we keep the information fresh and accurate by prompting you online article updates. With just a click, the information automatically downloads to the proper article for ultimate convenience.*
View nature and science in action
Our natural world is brought to life with exciting videos from the Discovery Channel sure to captivate young viewers and propel them deeper into subjects. From tracking the evolution of birds, to theories of life on Mars, Discovery Videos provide unique insights that are sure to leave lasting impressions.